Tag Archives: DMSA

July 2020 Update – Chugging Along

**A Sept update is below the post. Not much progress I’m afraid.

So I’m bouncing between treatments here but I feel I’m on the path –

  • Repeated rounds of DMSA alone, 3 days on, about a week off.
  • Sometimes do a round of Boyd Haley’s OSR in between DMSA rounds depending on strength.
  • Take Thyroid support which does help. Whole/Natural Thyroid Extract (can be a game changer for those feeling totally wasted)
  • Take a custom vitamin support but add extra to ensure I’m getting all Andy Cutler’s vitamin recommendations – Magnesium, Zinc, Vit C, Vit E etc – Support from Rebecca Rust Lee at maybeitsmercury.com
  • As much time outside and sun on skin as possible – Dr Jack Kruse Lifestyle
  • Diet – meat and vege in winter, occasional greens cleanse in summer. Try thiol free diet if mercury is suspected.
  • Minimal fake blue light – computers, TV, especially at night as you need all the melatonin you can as that cleanses the brain at night.
  • Avoid stress like the plaque, or shall i say ‘covid’ 🙂
  • Very careful with excercise – light walks and some light weights with stretching. As soon as i feel good, I stop as it’s most likely I’m then running on adrenaline and will pay for it the next day or two.
  • Occasional coffee enema which still produces soft stones.

I found the Medical Medium / Anthony William info interesting. It seems the foods like gluten and dairy feed virus and pathogens and can make us feel shitty. We have to remove these unwelcome invaders but killing them directly when you have severe heavy metal poisoning can really cause problems. So it seems the only way to heal is to carefully remove the metals while starving the pathogens. How you do this depends on so many factors, but it’s definitely possible. The main point is to not make yourself any worse which is very easy to do.

All the best with your own recovery; keep up the good work and don’t give up.

Update – whoops, the DMSA rounds were tough going to the point where i had to stop for the time being. I will continue to do OSR when feeling up to it. And i think the Thyroid extract didn’t agree with me. It was a different one from the extract I used  a year ago with some success. So I will leave that out for the time being. It’s also possible that less metals in my system have improved thyroid function and I no longer need it.

Gut and liver function have improved as i can tolerate more foods. So there has been some improvement over time. It’s just incredibly slow. I know i could be on a faster track and will keep trying to find this.




Neurotransmitter Test Results and the DMSA Mega-Dose…

After ordering another bunch of tests (according to my consultation and health history notes) here is the Extensive Neurotransmitter Profile results which were no surprise to me. This was a Urine only test and I have been sceptical of these in the past but this does match up with how I feel most of the time.

These tests are always fascinating and it makes me think that there must be solutions to fixing these imbalances. I’m sure there are; but it’s just finding someone who has the right answers. The amount of tests I’ve done over the years and someone says just take this and this – and I get no improvement. Very disappointing.

Hopefully this time is different.


As you can see my results are way less than optimal. GABA is low at 135, should be over 600 and that explains why I can never relax properly. I’m always agitated to some degree. Perhaps a GABA supplement can help with this until we remove the underlying cause.

Heavy metal toxicity can play a role with blocking neurotransmitters so I look forward to getting my DMSA challenge test results back next month. This test involved taking 1500mg DMSA, Glycine for better DMSA absorption/toxin mobiliser and Biosil which is Choline-Stabilized Orthosilicic Acid (ch-OSA).  The Biosil mobilises different types of metals such as Tin and Thallium. A ‘Pre’ and ‘Post’ Urine sample was taken. This test should be way more indicative than the Hair Test in terms of what might be causing me issues. The info from all these tests combined should be enough to improve my healing program.

So 3 test results are still due: Amino Acid Profile, Liver Function Test and The DMSA challenge test.

After completing 45 rounds of Chelation Therapy (Andy Cutler style) and believing these DMSA challenge tests were a big NO NO, I was very reluctant to do this test. My Doc said I must or else we’d be ‘flying blind’, so I started to prepare, both mentally and physically.

During my days with Chelation, I could only ever manage a 5mg dose of DMSA every 3 hours for 3 days. So about 40mgs per day of DMSA. At the end of 3 days I was pretty exhausted. If I ramped up my dosage, even to 10mgs, I would really suffer and have to stop after 2 days. That’s ‘seized in bed’ suffering, not just a light headache. So can you imagine how I felt about swallowing 1500mg in one shot? I thought, ‘bloody hell, no way’. I had also been in contact with a ‘successful’ mercury poisoning healer in the States and she told me that I was crazy doing this. She said it was a ‘lawsuit’ dose and I risked organ damage or even death! That’s the last thing I needed to hear.

These differing views on the internet made a tough situation even tougher. Everyone seems to have an opinion on how to go about things. Who’s right?

I spent a couple more days doing research and then decided go through with it. The benefits outweighed the risks. I checked that my Will was up to date, warned those close to me what I was doing and then prepared for the ‘mega dose’.

Down the hatch they go – half a dozen DMSA, another half dozen Glycine and 40 drops of Biosil. A short prayer was said and I sat down. What happened?…..

NOTHING. I slept well, woke up relatively fine and took the wee sample. I thought ‘You gotta be kidding me!’  The closest I came to injuring myself was falling backwards when getting a whiff of my sulphur smelling urine. (DMSA)

These challenge tests are standard and have been used for years but my doctor and others get better results by adding the Glycine and Biosil. I proved that these big ‘one off’ doses are well tolerated by a compromised person when compared to frequent dosing. I think my underlying detox system is in bad shape and that’s why I couldn’t tolerate bigger frequent doses while chelating. My Kryptopyrroles Test showed a Vitamin B6 and Zinc imbalance so this will be part of it.

Hopefully all will be revealed over the next few weeks and I can recover more quickly on a more personalised program instead of a one size fits all approach, which frequent dose Chelation is really.

If you have any questions, just let me know.