Category Archives: EMF

Feb2020 Update – Dr Klinghardt ART Test results

Hi all, So the long path back to full health continues for me. There has been some progress but more work has to be done. According to this latest test from a Klinghardt trained practitioner, I seemed to have done a good job of lowering my toxic metals burden but there is still congestion and chronic infections. I assumed once the metals were gone then everything else would normalize but not so. I suspect metals are still an issue which raises some concerns about this ART testing. More confusion…!!

The test is Autonomic Response Testing, which means i have to send some hair (with follicle attached) to the practitioner. This can be done remotely. I’m in NZ and she’s in Ireland so that saved me a long trip.

If the heavy metals have mostly gone (which i suspect they haven’t) then I will assume it was because of a few things. Saunas, OSR, DMSA/DMPS and possibly the customised vitamin therapy. But i may have done this back to front. Perhaps it’s a better idea to work at the gut, infections and viral load before the metals as this may be the easier path. I’ll forge on and get it done one way or another. I’ll follow Rhoda’s program; this will be a great test whether Klinghardt’s ART system does work. (July 2020 update, not following the program, see latest blog post)

I have attached my results below. Depending on how accurate these results are, this would have to be the best diagnostic tool I’ve seen (hmmm, not so sure) And re-testing every couple of months is a great way to monitor progress. We’ll see.


When we spoke on the phone she also stressed the importance of solving any lifestyle issues that are a constant stress. Relationships, high EMF areas, work, loneliness etc. One of the worst habits for me is lying on the couch for too long staring at a phone or tablet. So the lesson is find what is bad for you and work at changing it. Harder said than done sometimes but your health is the number one priority.

All the best with your own health journey and I hope you learnt something from my blog


Update Feb 2018

My recovery is going well. I feel at about 65-70% well. A year ago I also thought I was at this level but I was actually much worse. Back then I was at around 30-40% which was a miserable place to be.

I’ve still got work to do – I’m approaching stage 4 of 5. I’m tolerating all the vitamins so next is reducing bugs, bio-films, mold and candida if I I have it. I’m going to do the 3 month+ course anyway just to clear the path for the final stage which is intracellular detoxification. I should be feeling much better and have some resilience by then as this stage is tough on the body.

I continue to do what I mentioned in my previous post:

  • High dose customised supplements. I’m finally able to tolerate (took 3 months) a full dose of the supplements which I listed a few posts back. 2000mcg, 400mcg Folic Acid, 100mgs B6 plus many others all formulated into 2 caps in the morning and 4 at night. This is not a DIY job, these levels are customised to my biochemistry and will change over time. They are designed to normalize neurotransmitter levels which obviously have a huge impact on overall health. Hunt around for a good practitioner; I had to go to the Sates to see Dr Mensah himself. I could have gone to Aussie but decided to not muck around and go straight to the man himself. This is not part of Connie Fox’s program but the nutrients are similar.


  • Thyroid levels corrected: TSH (thyroid simulating hormone) must be kept around 1 to 1.5.  Re-test every 3 months. My doctor said my initially high (hypo) TSH was in the “normal’ range. Then when it was really low (hyper) it was apparently also in the normal range. Unbelievable. Me believing this over the last decade has cost me, it’s been a huge mistake not treating the thyroid. Correcting my TSH down to 1.5 has made a huge difference. If you’re toxic with something like mercury or other poijsons, it can mess with your thyroid and make you feel real shitty and miserable. Whole/Natural Thyroid Extract will correct TSH. Micro doses are needed for sensitive individuals. E.g


  • Avoid/ Limit stress: being unwell is a stressful time so you initially can only do so much. Everything must be examined – relationships, loneliness, noise, driving, EMF, fake light – computers, too much exercise and more.


  • Avoid / Limit EMF:  as I was sensitive to EMF and most likely WI-FI I built a small cabin so I sleep outside of the house. It’s zero AC current, (my body voltage in my existing room was about 15 volts AC!). It runs off a car battery and solar panel and sleep much better; it;s so much ‘calmer’. I realise not everyone can just go and build a cabin on their front lawn so things to do in the mean time is measure your body voltage where you sleep, turn off wifi at night or run Ethernet cables to devices, turn off house power at the switchboard. All this is a hassle so that’s why I moved outside. I really had to make some big changes. It may not be necessary if you can do the above and get stronger therefore losing the sensitivity, but it sure helps and no one should be living in a house with a lot of stray electrical activity. We are getting bombarded with cell site microwave, wifi, unshielded house wiring, and blue light from big TV’s and looking at devices after sunset. I advise limiting this as it messes with the melatonin and glutathione you need for a deep restorative/detox sleep. Dr Klinghardt has good info about this. Also, as Dr Jack Kruse explains, AM light is really important and has helped me. I spend as much of the morning outside or working near a window to natural light. Our brain needs this.


  • Gut: my gut wasn’t too bad but I know some people really have some issues. Be aware of gut brain issues where if you are neurologically stressed then this will negatively affect you gut, no matter how many amazing ‘gut repair’ and special diets you try. Someone like Connie Fox in Florida has a lot of great ideas about healing the gut. Toxicity still has to be resolved or else you’ll be managing symptoms for ever. NB: I have no business relationship with Connie.


  • Purpose: really anything that you live for. A hobby, work, future career, study, an upcoming event, gardening, family, travel, a project. Don’t let health be everything or else it can become a vacuum. I know it’s important but if you are at it all the time you can become worse; you become IT. I know because it happened with me. Try to have as much fun and socializing as possible. I know this sounds ridiculous as some people are bedridden and couldn’t think of anything worse and just cannot enjoy anything they used to do. This will change as you improve. I visualized being well and doing all the things I used to do. Our brains don’t know any different so visualize your healthy future. At times working and getting your health program started will take a  lot of time and it must be your primary focus. It can take time to accept this; realizing that for the time being you cannot do what want to do or live how you used to live. It is difficult at times, there’s no doubt about it.


  • Initial Tough Stage: I vary rarely need to do any of these pain and symptom management techniques anymore but I’ll list what I did anyway: coffee enemas were a life saver, I built my own infra-red sauna, soaking in the lake/ocean, spending time outdoors as uncomfortable as the bright light was. Slow deep breathing, trying to relax somehow once a day.  A very strict diet was essential – for my biochemistry it was as many greens as possible with some animal protein. Just experiment until you get it right. I could not touch wheat, diary, sugar, booze. Be careful with supplements if you don’t know what you’re doing as they can make you way worse.


Below – Getting out and about and actually well enough to enjoy it. That’s what people don’t understand – I could have done this when I was weak but I would have hated it and that wouldn’t have been good for me.

My near zero emf ‘off the grid’ cabin running off an old car battery and solar panel. It’s good knowing there aren’t any live cables within a metre from my head when I’m sleeping. For most people this isn’t possible. As you progress with healing/detoxing these sensitivities should subside.

Cheers, John