Category Archives: Mistakes

March 2021 Update – Making Headway

Note that this is written for moderate to severe toxicity cases. Mild cases can skip a lot of stages but still need to be careful because you can easily stir metals up and turn a mild case into a moderate or severe case.

I haven’t posted in so long because I was making zero progress. It didn’t matter what diet or supplements or meds I took, I was just stuck. I’m certain it was because I had taken on more responsibilities than I could manage. I had been warned to limit or avoid any psychological stress, this is crucial for moderate to severe toxicity cases. In an effort to ‘get back into life’ or ‘stay busy’ I was in fact just becoming more and more overwhelmed. Toxicity can lock us into a flight or fight response – we hardly ever, or never go into ‘rest and digest’ mode. We really do have to master how to take extremely good care of ourselves.

So I ditched a couple of projects I was always thinking about, and started saying no to a few outings that really didn’t help me. And less social media which is huge downer for me. And only then did I start to make a little more progress. So lifestyle issues are a huge factor – projects, work, relationships, hobbies, excercise regimes etc that only worsen symptoms. What can help a healthy person can hinder a toxic person.

So what am doing right now?

I am still loosely adhering to Dr Klinghart/Connie Fox/Rhoda Kingston detox protocol involving:

GUT / THYROID / PATHOGENS / METALS, or the full list from Connie’s website:

Now, Connie’s usual gut protocol did not work for me. Ketotifen is an anti-histamine and I’m low histamine so I assume this only made my histamine levels lower. Histamine is a neurotransmitter – I felt so terrible and had to stop. Connie does have a natural backup but I must admit the amount of supplements involved and trying to get them to New Zealand was difficult and frustrating. In the end it was strict diet, sunlight, no blue light/devices, coffee enemas, relaxation techniques to give my gut a chance to heal to a degree. Spending time with friends and family where i could forget my issues and just have a good time (as much as possible) was the best medicine but this was fleeting. I wanted everyone to stay on holiday for 6 months but this isn’t reality.

What I have been working on is getting back to full dose of the compounded supplements/vitamins. This goes way back to my trip to the States where I saw Dr Mensah. They do various tests and work out what nutrients you need for optimal brain function. I was skeptical; I’m not a fan of vitamins. But at full dose, these worked. The nutrients can correct Kryptopyroles, Copper toxicity, methylation and other neurological issues. These vitamins are powerful!. The first time I ramped up taking them 2 years ago, it took me 4 months to tolerate the full dose. If you have some excess copper, the zinc will start pushing/detoxing this out and you will feel neurotic and depressed. It can be brutal so must be taken slowly.

This time around (why did I stop last time? because i couldn’t find a local supplier and Mensa Medical wouldn’t prescribe me; nightmare situation) I had 2 weeks of nasty side effects as my biochemistry corrected. Every time I increased dose, i had side effects until I was near full dose. There are many of these practitioners around the world and most do remote work. But shop around, some are useless, others like Mensah are brilliant. More docs here:

Thyroid update – without testing, I started on thyroid hormone and it didn’t go as well as it did last time i tried. My goodness, it felt like someone injected some adrenaline, i was totally wired on a tiny dose, manic. Connie later explained to me that although my TSH was relatively low, it wasn’t low enough to warrant treatment with whole thyroid extract. My Free T4 was in the mid range (good) and my Free T3 was also good. TSH was 3.8 mIU/L, a bit high but this would come down naturally with the mercury detox protocol. I needed a pro to explain this; the extract i was taking was overdosing me. I will monitor this every 3 to 4 months; luckily i can just walk in off the street anytime to get this test done. Less visits to Doc the better.

So I’m building the foundation for a successful outcome. Diet and low stress lifestyle makes a huge difference. I aim for an alkaline diet which includes animal proteins. Not easy. Finding an alkaline mineral water, 7 or 8ph can help a lot. Sugar – booze  – carbs are still troublesome. But also over excercise exhausting the adrenals is equally important. My day is based on adrenal management – keeping occupied but not pushing it. If I’m doing something quite physical and actually feel good, i stop, it’s adrenaline I’m running on and will pay for it over the next few days. I’ve been taught that lesson hundreds of times.

Now that I’m on the vitamins, I feel like my body is slowly improving and the ‘flight or fight’ response is reduced. Life is better, but it’s a false sense of health, I’m still toxic. Next is tackling the unhelpful pathogens and parasites. Testing usually isn’t necessary, but the Autonomic Response Testing I did with Rhoda Kingston was impressive. She was able to pin point what “bad bugs” or chronic infections I had. So they can targeted more easily. My test came back with fungi/candida issues, retroviruses, lungworm, liver fluke, Ehrlicha. The targeted treatment for those include calendula, amebex, mimosa pudica, myrrh and more. So it’s going to be interesting to see how this stage goes. It cannot be rushed as these bugs have become a part of us so you can;t just go in and ‘kill them’ because it might feel like you’re killing yourself. I’ve been there, it’s nasty. I’m not going to waste all the work I’ve done with getting to this point. If a big mistake is made, it can set you back months or years, and is spiritually crushing. So be careful.

You don’t have to do this testing. Diet and broad spectrum bug killers will get rid of most of the critters, then you can remove the metals and then the bugs should go or be easier to treat.

After these bugs are under control, then it’s finally time to get the last of the metals out. I’m very wary of DMSA and even more so of ALA. It works for sure but only if we are strong enough. Hopefully i won’t need these chelators but if I do use them i will be extremely careful, even if it takes years to come out.

When people that are suffering hear it might take years, it can be very daunting. But that’s only because you’re hurting now. By the the time you get to the chelation stage, you won’t be suffering or hurting. But if you make a mistake, you can be back in pain very quickly.

Treating yourself is a balancing act – there’s diet, supplements, lifestyle, relationships, financial issues, the spiritual wear and tear over time. But there’s no option but to keep going and doing everything you can to get well. Not only that, there’s a holy war of sorts going on in the world at the moment, as if we didn’t need any more obstacles. Forge on with grace.

The next update I’ll be hopefully well into the bug stage so will report on that. All the best with your own healing journey.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Backfire – A Slight Setback

After warning people for years about taking too much Alpha Lipoic Acid too soon, I go and take too much.

I had done a few rounds of DMSA (15mg average) and had got too confident. I added 3mg ALA to the last 2 rounds and this seemed to go okay. What I hadn’t realized was it was well past it’s use-by date. So when I made the slight increase to 5mg ALA of fresh stuff it hit me hard. After 2 days I was starting to fade badly so stopped the ALA. To make matters worse, 5 days later I did another round of just DMSA thinking I would be mopping up the metals I had stirred up. This only made matters worse as the damage had been done. In theory, our minerals and glutathione levels need to recover before doing another round. I wasn’t waiting long enough in between rounds.

Then the suffering started. It was a awful 2 weeks of:

  • racing heart – I could not lie down during the day or else I would get too agitated. I had to keep busy just to keep my mind off the symptoms.
  • head/scalp tension – my God, this was something else, I’ve heard people describe a ‘head burn’, well this probably wasn’t far off.
  • burning lower arms
  • anxiety and fearfulness, awful thoughts

It’s safe to say it has been a forgettable few weeks and is only starting to resolve. A lesson learned. I was having up to 3 hot showers a day for pain relief.

I found some relief with coffee enemas, clay/charcoal binders, saunas (sometimes made me weaker), cold swims/showers, staying occupied outside the house, dry brushing skin, alkaline foods. If or when I restart DMSA rounds I will wait 11 days in between for the body to recover.

This episode also made me realize I needed to ramp up my anti-microbial program to make chelation much easier. I started Milk Kefir again, I ordered some more kefir grains online and found a local store bought milk that was suitable. Otherwise it’s all too hard. To be able to pop down to the nearest store is key, and put fresh batch on every day or 2.

Update 1 week later – had to stop Kefir as I think all the yeasts and other bacteria made me worse. Perhaps it was because it’s dairy. I’m not sure but it just didn’t suit me. I will find probitics without yeasts, sugar and lactose. 5lac has yeasts so that may also have to go.

I also make my own sauerkraut which is very simple, i seem to tolerate this in moderation. I dabble with 5Lac and Vivomixx probiotics also. (not sold on these) So the battle is on for the gut terrain. I’m ramping up the Fungus Fighter (struggling with this) and getting that up to full dose (4 droppers/day) is my immediate aim. The occasional coffee “bomb” to clear everything out, I had a really good gall bladder purge the other day with a few big soft stones coming out. Some others use the Hulda Clark liver purge but I haven’t tried this in years as I was too weak.

Cold swims in the ocean and cold (or whatever I could handle) showers seemed to be very effective. Painful to start but always seem better afterwards, as long as it doesn’t weaken you.

I have been taking up to 3 spoonfuls per day, 3 separate occasions of Dr Schultz’s charcoal and clay mix which seems to be helping. After many timing experiments I actually take it first before a meal. Big glass of warm water with the powder, wait 5 minutes, then food. An hour away from any other supplements.

In terms of what I can manage these days, I went for my first scuba dive for a decade which I seemed to handle well. I still have inflammation in the inner ear so equalizing was painful so it’ll be  while before I’m back down there but it’s a good start. Still a lot of work ahead.

Until next time, all the best with your own recovery. Hang in there and be consistent.

Setback After Not Tolerating Anti-Microbial Stage

As someone with suspected moderate to severe toxicity, I had been warned that if hadn’t done enough foundation work on my gut and liver then I would struggle with the anti-microbial stage. When these bugs die they put a strain on the gut, liver and kidneys.

Looking back, the main reason I gave up on the gut work was because I didn’t have any success with the mast cell stabiliser ‘Ketotifen’ which had apparently helped so many others. A friend with obvious and severe gut issues was having success with it so it’s pot luck. I had big expectations but it made me way worse so the next option was to use probiotics, gut friendly nutraceuticals  and foods like milk kefir.  Good probiotics are expensive and making kefir is time consuming so along with some other excuses I skipped it. Bad decision.

Before I go on, if there is some ongoing stress in your life that you can do something about, then this can be a huge help. The gut wants blood around it, this can’t happen when you’re stressed out all the time in flight-or-flight mode. And I realise the illness itself causes stress that we can only do so much about (but usually more then we think) so this issue is different for everyone. Too much fake light from devices is not good for the gut, I’ve minimised my usage particularly at nights and it has definitely helped, particularly with sleeping. It’s takes constant experimenting.

Back to the gut program – I also thought I was strong enough at that point to start the anti-microbial program which included products such as Artemesia, Fungus Fighter, Vermez (a NZ product, similar to Para-Shield). An anti-microbial program has bug killing ingredients such as Walnut Hull, Clove, Oregano Leaf, Pau d’Arco, Wormwood, Olive Leaf Extract, Garlic etc. Some also take Niacin the blood thinner so the ingredients can get into all the nooks and crannies.

Initially I started well but as the weeks progressed I got weaker. My will power to get better kept me going but it got to a point where was rapidly fading away and had no choice but to stop. I didn’t follow instructions properly either – I started taking small doses of everything instead of ramping up one product at a time to full dose and then moving on.

After a demoralising day or 2 I when back to the drawing board and made a plan for the gut and liver work. I’m currently tolerating well the Milk thistle for liver and a kidney support (both HerbPharm products from iherb).

For gut i take Slippery Elm (mucosal lining healer) and should really make some magic gut tea to sip away on all day which includes slippery elm, marsh-mellow root and licorice.

Probiotics include sporadic batches of kefir, ramping up FiveLac powder and looking to add something like Vivomixx. This all seems to be working because every time I increase dosage I get headaches and fatigue but it clears relatively quickly. I take a binder in the mornings and sometimes at night away from anything else consumed. (Dr Shultz Intestinal binder). And Dr Shultz #1 to get things moving; very effective.

I will wait until I can tolerate maximum dose of the gut and probiotic products and only then will have another attempt at the bug killing stage. And then comes the extraction of toxins from inside the cell which will most likely involve Alpha Lipoic acid and some form of chelator/binder such as DMSA to escort it pout of the body.  I did an “Andy Cutler” round of DMSA (extra-cellular detox / outside the cell) a few weeks ago and that went well but I tried ALA alone and that was a disaster so be very careful with this as it crosses the blood brain barrier and allows toxins to travel in and out. It is VERY easy to shift toxins from relatively safe locations to not so safe locations and make yourself MUCH worse. Which method I use will be decided in the future with consultation with professionals matched with what I think i can handle.

As desperate as we are to get these toxins out of our bodies we have to be patient. Big mistakes will only delay recovery.

My recovery program is currently based on:

  • Connie Fox detox program – thyroid, gut, heavy metal detox. – Dr Klinghardt.
  • Dr Jack Kruse circadian rhythm guidelines
  • Root Cause protocol – importance of magnesium and diet
  • Paleo Diet – nothing that can feed the unwanted bacteria associated with toxicity – sugar, booze, bread – most high glycemic carbs.

Next update will be when I attempt the bug killing stage again. I hope this post has helped and given you some clues as to what to do next or possible root causes.





Dr Bruce Jones – Melbourne – Detox Doctor

Dr Jones is in Melbourne, Australia. All the testing I did can be seen 2 or 3 posts ago, last month. Too many perhaps, but fascinating all the same. The stool test from Germany was very informative. But finding solutions is the tricky part.

The products he recommends are Cilantro, R-Lipoic Acid, EDTA, BioSil and Pecta-Sol C. Unfortunately not for me as far too aggressive.

Effective for mild cases of chronic toxicity but not mild to severe as I have found out.

Anyone who has a severe reaction to agents such as Cilantro, DMSA and R-Lipoic Acid should not continue with them as it’s very easy to do WAY MORE damage. The old adage ‘no pain no gain’ doesn’t work in this instance. Any pain actually means you’re going backwards and most likely damaging yourself.

Before doing any testing, I was advised to start on 240mg Super R-Lipoic Acid. Holy shit, NO WAY I thought at the time after previous disasters with Alpha Lipoic Acid. Since I was also taking the Ecoeugenics PectaSol-C binder I was advised that this will bind any toxins and I should be okay.

This was reckless advice. I compromised and started on about 10mg, so 1/25 of what I was advised. And boom, within days I was verging on being admitted to a mental hospital. 240mg might well have been a hospital dose because I may not have been conscious. For someone else it might be fine but we are all so different it’s not a ‘one size fits all’ situation. It’s potentially very dangerous.

It just shows that anyone has to be so careful with taking anything that mobilises toxins. No doctor or test will EVER know or show exactly what toxin levels, in what locations, are really inside you. Mobilising toxins is the easiest thing to do and it also causes the most damage. Getting the toxins OUT OF YOUR BODY is the most important thing. If they just keep recirculating around and around they can make you feel horrendous.

PectaSol-C is a great general detox product to be taken daily but in my opinion it’s not really a top notch and hard core binder. The charcoal and clay products I think do a better job. Something like Dr Shultz’s Intestinal Absorber #2 will definitely soak up some nasties. For sensitive people, these binders alone can actually have some mild side effects. One product at a time.

I hope Dr Jones can adapt his protocols for those of us who aren’t ready for the powerful detoxing agents. I am more than happy to help as I progress. The detox game is high risk for doctors so I do appreciate those who actually try to help those i need. It’s all pretty new so we just have to be careful and take things slowly.

Please see latest posts for updates

Chelation Therapy Isn’t An Exact Science

I’ve done 26 rounds of chelation following the Andrew Cutler protocol. This involves taking a chelating agent such as DMPS, DMSA and or ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) at regular doses. For nearly all 26 doses I’ve used DMPS at a relatively small dose of 2.5mg every 8 hours for 3 days then take 4 days or off before starting the next ’round’. That’s all I can handle.

Up until November 2015 this was going well; very slow progress but going pretty well. I cannot prove that my progress can be atributed to doing chelation therapy but i’m certain that it is. The fact that I cannot tolerate a higher dose than 2.5mg DMPS says to me that I have a rather severe heavy metal toxicity issue and I suspect my methylation system is not working well at all. There are other factors which I’m still learning about.

Chelation Therapy is really the only thing at this stage that has made positive gains for me but I still have much to learn about this fascinating but frustrating treatment. I feel I could be doing much better so I’m working on that. I’d like to be taking more and I’d like to be feeling better overall while I ‘chelate’.

However, I made a mistake by introducing 3mg ALA rounds 19-24 in late 2015. Now I realise that is has actually stirred the toxins up, particularly in my head as I have gained more neurological symptoms. Obviously the DMPS could not mop up the mercury that the ALA pulled out and it has been redistributed. ALA can pull toxins out of the brain, DMPS cannot. So I have to be very careful about adding ALA in the future as I understand it has to be to get the brain toxins out. A tiny 1mg dose is probably ideal and it’s common for people to take this amount. ALA is supposedly a true chelator that makes a strong bond with toxins and escorts them out of the body but it obviously ‘lets go’ of the odd toxic molecule which then wrecks some havoc on me.

The catch 22 is that Mercury disrupts the methylation cycle so that’s why it can take so long to remove it all. I view chelation therapy as doing a raid on the bad guys; get in, take what you need and get out before you cause any trouble or raise the alarm.

So the idea is to do a minimum 3 days round without causing too much trouble. These chelators can be tough on the body so supplements such as adrenal support, magnesium, zinc and vitamin C and E have to be taken while ‘in’ and ‘off’ round.

It is assumed that half to one percent of toxic metals are removed each round anyone does so you can see that 100 to 200 rounds may take some years. It’s a marathon but we also are feeling better as time goes on so it really is just a matter of time and being persistent and consistent. Knowing that mercury is the problem or a big part of the problem gives me some peace of mind as not knowing what is wrong is incredibly stressful and frustrating.

I’m learning more about the methylation cycle; there are great videos on YouTube from guys like Ben Lynch. Many things can done such as DNA tests and subsequent supplementation with the likes of B12, Methyl Folate, SAMe etc so I’m going down another rabbit hole here but not jumping into anything just yet.

For starters there are 4 types of B12 one can take so it’s not straight forward. But B12 is crucial for so many things so it’s something I want to make sure I’m getting enough of. I eat meat but if my absorption isn’t great then my cells might not be getting enough.

Dr Andy Cutler is not convinced that doing these DNA tests and spending huge amounts of time on methylation are necessary because with time and less heavy metals in our systems, methylation will correct itself, regardless of whether some of us have more ‘junk DNA’ than others.

Only time will tell. The experiment continues….  🙂

For more info:

Facebook – Andy Cutler Think Tank Private Group

DIM Witted Idea Turns Out Okay

I found Dr Chris Shade’s info and videos about heavy metal detoxification very interesting. He’s very confident and has some good stories which gave me enough confidence to experiment without doing enough of my own homework. One fascinating product he was explaining was Diindolylmethane or ‘DIM’. DIM is a phytonutrient found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and Brussel sprouts. It’s usually marketed as helping with estrogen hormone metabolism; basically smoothing out associated symptoms including poor sleep and hot flushes etc.

You might be thinking what’s this got to do with detoxification but DIM is also capable of turning on the master switch for cellular detoxification – the NRF2 system. This system can be ‘down regulated’ or ‘turned off’ if we get chronically ill, have mold toxin issues or general heavy metal toxin problems. Mold and Mercury are great companions. It can make us stuck and then it becomes difficult to get well unless you really know what you are doing.

I was a typical ‘sensitive patient’ whereby anything I took that mobilised toxins really knocked me around. Cilantro, Chlorella, Alpha Lipoic Acid – wow what a headache. ALA is brilliant but it has to be used very carefully and with supporting products. A small dose of ALA 3mg every 3 hours (per Andrew Cutler Chelation protocol) for a day or two would give a 2 or 3 day headache to remember. Taking DMPS with ALA for the 3 day round solved this which I was most relieved.

Apparently this sensitivity could mean that somehow, perhaps something like mold being an issue, or metals severely disrupting our systems, they have epigenetically (environment has disrupted our system) turned off our NRF2 system and now the cell has great difficulty pushing out toxins. Enter DIM.

DIM turns this back on but it’s not that simple. If you’re sensitive, depending on dosage, DIM can also knock you around because if it is very effective for getting the cell to push toxins out then your body might not be able to deal with these. When I used DIM for a week I got completely different reaction to when I used ALA for example. It was like these were a different type of toxin because they produced a different set of side effects.

I couldn’t import the Liposomal DIM to New Zealand due to Custom’s regulation but I did track down a product called Nature’s Way DIM Plus. Because it was in capsule form I assumed it wouldn’t be that effective so I took the standard dose of 1 pill a day which is 100mg. A few days went by with no noticeable side effects but the fireworks began about Day 6. Nothing too much to worry about so I went ahead and took another on day 7 which was a mistake. Obviously it was having a cumulative effect on my system because that afternoon I neurologically went downhill. All sorts of old emotions and thoughts from years ago came whooshing through me and there was very difficult to stop. I was mentally really getting pushed around and if I hadn’t being tested years before then this would have been very frightening. It was frightening enough and I got a real shock. I had extreme muscle tension, itchy eyes, agitation and other generally awful systems.

It felt like I had released a different batch of toxins into my bloodstream and they couldn’t get out. All sorts of new and old symptoms turned up and I was really pissed off with myself. What a stuff up! With no professional advice and no research on dosing, I felt well enough just to plough into this supplement and I paid the price.

I pulled out all the stops in terms of damage limitation – coffee enemas, saunas, rest etc. but my reliable methods didn’t help much. It took 5 weeks to recover. After that I felt quite good and I began to think that the DIM had perhaps helped me. It’s too early to tell but I’ll be keeping an eye on this product and may use it again in the future but be much more careful with dosing. I spoke to someone who used the Liposomal DIM Spray and their practitioner started by rubbing a couple of drops a day on the wrist only. Okay, so the 3 sprays a day recommended on the bottle is way too much for some.

I hope this has given you some insight into DIM which I think has great potential in detox programs but please be very careful and do your homework on this one. The Chris Shade videos on YouTube and his website are worth a watch if you have a few spare hours up your sleeve.

It’s great to see so many changes taking place in this world of toxic bodies and all of the associated problems. We are all so different and require individual programs that take time to work out. This comes down to doing it ourselves so much of the time and there will be setbacks.

Toxicity is so commonly the foundation of chronic illness but properly detoxing is a science which dynamically changes as we get better.

NB: To end the story on a good note I gave the DIM to Mum explaining the hormonal benefits and after 3 weeks she has had no detox reactions and is sleeping better. It’s certainly not doing her any harm which at least could mean that her cellular detox system is working well which is good. It’s certainly working a lot better than mine.

Bye-Bye Beta Blockers

Around 2008, I couldn’t find anyone decent in New Zealand to help me work on getting my high mercury levels down. I’d been told time and time again by all the ‘top’ doctors that my levels were normal. I’d had various tests that had come back with elevated levels but was steered away from it being an issue.  I was running out of ideas and desperate for a solution so ended up at a naturopath’s house whose supplements were all from Russia. She explained to me what they were which made sense to me and off I went. Great I thought, lets get rid of this mercury and things might improve. The supplements were basically strong drainage remedies such as milk thistle and some gall bladder drainage remedy.

What was to unfold was probably my worst mistake of all time. What I was given certainly mobilised mercury and whatever else, but the problem was excreting it. Toxins are very easy to mobilise but much more difficult to excrete. They just flow around and around your body causing all sorts of unnecessary harm. The catch 22 is that mercury disrupts our detoxification systems therefore making things exponentially worse. All our bodies can do is store these toxins as safely as possible. It’s when we pull these metals out but redistribute them into less safe places is when the trouble really starts.

As I started to feel worse I decided that taking more was the best thing to do. I can handle this. I understood that some pain and suffering meant something was happening; it was coming out. Wrong.

I was unleashing these toxins into my bloodstream and very little was actually leaving me. My pain and suffering threshold was pretty high so I kept on going think I would push through. Rational thinking went out the door and things started to go from bad to worse. I finally realised that stopping was the best thing to do but the damage had been done. I wasn’t able to sleep at this stage and my heart was racing like never before; no matter what I did it just wouldn’t calm down. I was getting scared at this point because I was in the middle of this hell trip and there was no end to it.

I couldn’t lie down or things would get worse so I was sitting in bed close to losing conciousness. Repeatedly, I would begin to blackout and then fall off the bed and put my head on the floor and just save myself. I thought I’d really done it this time, one self-treatment too many. No one was home at that stage and I really thought I would black out and die.

Mercury Abyss

Mercury Abyss

What I had done was put myself into a state of toxic shock which can lead to death. I had unwittingly mega-dosed myself with toxins and things weren’t looking good. I was so concerned that I scribbled out a note to my parents saying I’d really messed up this time and basically I’d died trying to get well. Sorry about that. And then I had to fall to the floor to save blacking out again in a sweaty, nauseous pile of underweight human.

When my parents saw me, they put me the car and we when to the emergency room. After explaining my experiment and getting some daggers thrown at me I was prescribed beta blockers. I must admit I did feel an idiot when I handed the doctor the container of pills but he couldn’t read the contents because they were in Russian. Ah, the joys of treating yourself when no one else can.

So, the beta blockers decreased my heart rate but I was pretty messed up. If I thought I was mentally in bad shape before, then I really was in zombie land now. I couldn’t complete any daily task without basically collapsing. My kidneys were sore for over a year, I lost more weight, and generally I was just existing. It was beyond miserable. I think 2 years just went by with me just trying to stay alive and there was no sign of pulling out of this one. I was 32 and just existing; I was alive but there was no life. The bouts of depression were horrendous but eventually I came to respect the power of them. I’d learned to look in from the outside, like part of me was looking down at myself thinking, ‘Wow John, you really f’d this up mate and you’re hurting like hell but don’t just die, hang in there, just hang in there as well as you can and keep trying”.

And that part of me was strong and would never give up no matter how much pain I was in or how bleak the future looked. I remember being impressed with the human ability to suffer continuously but also staying calm, even when things were this desperate.

So that’s my beta-blocker story and it’s great to not have to take them any more. I probably could have stopped them a year or so ago but the all I had to do was think back to those awful times and that would put me off doing it.

Proper detoxing doesn’t involve pain and suffering. If anything makes you feel worse, stop it immediately and reassess what you are trying to do. The fact that whatever you are taking makes you feel worse should give you some clues.

I’m happy with my program and it’s slowly working. In my book, I explain exactly what I did to turn things around and what I’m currently doing.

As reluctant as I am to go to the doctor these days and not being a fan of taking meds, I appreciated modern medicine at a time when I needed a solution.

Towards good health, John

Chelation Therapy – My rough start with DMSA

It took me so long to try Oral Chelation Therapy which basically involves taking a powder that binds to heavy metals such as Mercury and excretes them via your kidneys and urine. Sounds easy doesn’t it?

I’d had some nasty side effects with Cilantro and Chlorella, even MSM, so I was very reluctant to try more products that had anything to do with stirring up toxins.

No-one in New Zealand could help me with Chelation. I wondered whether I was the only one in the country thinking I had some mercury poisoning and I wanted to get it out? Surely not. Had I gone that mental that I thought I needed this but I didn’t really? And how was I going to get some DMPS or DMSA into the country? (the link is below)

That’s why it took me so long; because it was all too hard and unknown. Years went by.

After reading Dr Andrew Cutler’s book Amalgam Illness I decided to try the lowest dose of 12.5mg of DMSA every 3 or 4 hours for 3 or 4 days straight. Then a break a of a week or so to allow my body to recover and push more toxins into my bloodstream for removal. The regular dosing keeps blood levels of the drug at levels which keep extracting metals without redistributing too much. These drugs either don’t get everything or cause minerals to imbalance, so there MAY be redistribution symptoms. It can be tough on your body in some way that it can cause a lot of fatigue. I won’t pretend to know exactly what goes in inside. Just do your homework on how much to take and what supplementation you need; vitamins like Vitamin C, E, Zinc and Magnesium The drug binds to metals in your blood and they get excreted. Then your body pushes more metals out from tissue into your blood for extraction and you do another cycle.

So, Day 1 went well with no problems. At the end of Day 2 I was starting to really get tired and was really dragging myself around. I was committed to finishing the cycle so hung in there until the end of day 3. In hindsight I should have stopped and started the following week on half that dose.

When i woke the next morning I literally could hardly move. Every muscle was so weak and sore I could not properly move until 3pm. I had completely seized up. I was really concerned and I thought i’d really wrecked myself once and for all. It happened again the next day, I could hardly move until the afternoon.

It took 3 or 4 days to slowly come right and within a week I think I was better than before I started, so that gave me some hope. I decided to continue with DMPS, not DMSA, which meant I could dose every 8 hours and get some sleep throughout the dosing. After my little setback, I decided to start on 5mg DMPS to be safe. This went much better although on Day 3 I was struggling to finish it because of fatigue. Recovery was much better but decided to do some rounds at 2.5mg just to be safe. That’s what I’m on now and hardly getting any side effects after my 10th ’round’ so will increase back up to 5mg soon and see how that goes. Slow and steady is the name of this game. I will add Alpha Lipoic Acid at a later date, as I understand this is a fat soluble chelator that cleans the brain.

Supplements are crucial while ‘on round’ and ‘off round’. I average 1 round a month which is very conservative and will delay recovery but I want to keep my mineral levels steady after working so hard to improve them with Nutritional Balancing (NB). Chelation is tough on the kidneys and body in general so I am very careful about this. My NB practitioner would prefer that I do not do these and believes chelation is unnecessary. He believes that the NB program will allow the body to push these toxins out at the right time and chelation forces them out which messes with body chemistry. This makes sense but I’m human and I think I know better so I might get taught another lesson here. We’ll see. More info on Chelation is at:

Depending on how this all goes, I may switch to Dr Chris Shade’s (Quicksilver Scientific) protocol. I know little about it, DYOR, but it seems to be less harsh on the body and excretes through the bowels not kidneys so I’ll keep an eye on his work. Intestinal Metal Detox (IMD) is his main product . I understand MetalSweep is similar, it’s a silica based product. Dr Cutler doesn’t think they can work which doesn’t help knowing which way to go. Dr Shade’s website is:

Feb 2018 Update: Please read my latest blog posts to see what’s has been working for me. I believe that anyone has to have a reasonable level of health to tolerate Chelation therapy. I’m sure that once I get nutritionally balanced (not using Dr Wilson’s regime as it didn’t work for me or anyone else I know) and balance out my Thyroid (TSH 1 to 1.5) then Chelation may be very effective. I may not need it at all but will post any further attempts at Chelation. Also RIP Dr Andy Cutler; his heart was in the right place.
