Alpha Lipoic Acid Backfire – A Slight Setback

After warning people for years about taking too much Alpha Lipoic Acid too soon, I go and take too much.

I had done a few rounds of DMSA (15mg average) and had got too confident. I added 3mg ALA to the last 2 rounds and this seemed to go okay. What I hadn’t realized was it was well past it’s use-by date. So when I made the slight increase to 5mg ALA of fresh stuff it hit me hard. After 2 days I was starting to fade badly so stopped the ALA. To make matters worse, 5 days later I did another round of just DMSA thinking I would be mopping up the metals I had stirred up. This only made matters worse as the damage had been done. In theory, our minerals and glutathione levels need to recover before doing another round. I wasn’t waiting long enough in between rounds.

Then the suffering started. It was a awful 2 weeks of:

  • racing heart – I could not lie down during the day or else I would get too agitated. I had to keep busy just to keep my mind off the symptoms.
  • head/scalp tension – my God, this was something else, I’ve heard people describe a ‘head burn’, well this probably wasn’t far off.
  • burning lower arms
  • anxiety and fearfulness, awful thoughts

It’s safe to say it has been a forgettable few weeks and is only starting to resolve. A lesson learned. I was having up to 3 hot showers a day for pain relief.

I found some relief with coffee enemas, clay/charcoal binders, saunas (sometimes made me weaker), cold swims/showers, staying occupied outside the house, dry brushing skin, alkaline foods. If or when I restart DMSA rounds I will wait 11 days in between for the body to recover.

This episode also made me realize I needed to ramp up my anti-microbial program to make chelation much easier. I started Milk Kefir again, I ordered some more kefir grains online and found a local store bought milk that was suitable. Otherwise it’s all too hard. To be able to pop down to the nearest store is key, and put fresh batch on every day or 2.

Update 1 week later – had to stop Kefir as I think all the yeasts and other bacteria made me worse. Perhaps it was because it’s dairy. I’m not sure but it just didn’t suit me. I will find probitics without yeasts, sugar and lactose. 5lac has yeasts so that may also have to go.

I also make my own sauerkraut which is very simple, i seem to tolerate this in moderation. I dabble with 5Lac and Vivomixx probiotics also. (not sold on these) So the battle is on for the gut terrain. I’m ramping up the Fungus Fighter (struggling with this) and getting that up to full dose (4 droppers/day) is my immediate aim. The occasional coffee “bomb” to clear everything out, I had a really good gall bladder purge the other day with a few big soft stones coming out. Some others use the Hulda Clark liver purge but I haven’t tried this in years as I was too weak.

Cold swims in the ocean and cold (or whatever I could handle) showers seemed to be very effective. Painful to start but always seem better afterwards, as long as it doesn’t weaken you.

I have been taking up to 3 spoonfuls per day, 3 separate occasions of Dr Schultz’s charcoal and clay mix which seems to be helping. After many timing experiments I actually take it first before a meal. Big glass of warm water with the powder, wait 5 minutes, then food. An hour away from any other supplements.

In terms of what I can manage these days, I went for my first scuba dive for a decade which I seemed to handle well. I still have inflammation in the inner ear so equalizing was painful so it’ll be  while before I’m back down there but it’s a good start. Still a lot of work ahead.

Until next time, all the best with your own recovery. Hang in there and be consistent.

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