Tag Archives: vermez

Parasite Cleanse with Herbs and Zapper

Parasite overgrowth such as these Ropeworms (photo below) are something you can do without. I finally killed all these critters after balancing my mineral levels by the way of hair testing, supplements and diet. Most importantly I detoxed heavy metals like mercury and lead. This has to be done right and it took me years to clear. I’m unsure how these toxin levels got so high but they were the reason behind so many issues.

I spent years trying to kill parasites and and do all these minor fixes but they only returned because I had an underlying toxicity issue. These toxins disrupt so many bodily functions it can be a futile fight trying to deal with all the effects of chronic poisoning. Even if you haven’t had amalgams, please suspect chronic toxicity if you have ongoing health issues.


These zappers can be good maintenance while you get well and stay well. I had come across Dr Hulda Clark’s Zapper many times over the years and decided it was worth a go. As a trial, I made my own simple zapper with instructions from www.positiveoffset.com The instructions cost $10, but they also sell a professional model below. I am in no way connected to this business, I only researched them.

Hulda Clark Zapper

CLICK HERE for the professionally made Hulda Clark Zapper.

As good as these gadgets and the tonic below are, I’ve learnt that to really get on top of why the unwanted parasites are there in the first place is because of lifestyle, diet and toxic burden. If the environment doesn’t change then they will just keep returning. Maintenance programs are great but this website and my book is about keeping yourself in balance so these bugs don’t get out of control. Parasite populations shouldn’t get out of hand if some basic principles are followed. Heavy metals like mercury must be removed from your body. This takes time but the rewards are huge.

As you can see, it’s fiddly work.

Build A Zapper

My two pronged attack on parasites includes Dr Malcolm Harker’s Intestinal Cleanser or otherwise known as Vermez. It contains Wormwood, Green Walnut and a few other natural bug killers. There are many similar products available around the world. So here is my kit below. I hold the copper handles which connect to the device, which is powered by a 9V battery.

Parasite Kit

The routine is 7 minutes on, 20 min break, another 7 mins on, 20 min break, and then a final 7 minute session. The small electrical pulsing is designed to kill bacteria, protozoa and other small parasites. You don’t feel any zapping. I think I would have more faith in the pro model, than mine, but it should be fine. Moral of the story – go the commercial model or buy the ready to make kit from PositiveOffset.

Dr Hulda Clark wrote a few books while she was alive and most of them can be found online for free in PDF format. The Cure for all Diseases is one of them and it’s a good read if you are into natural health therapies.

Excess copper and mercury can also be an issue for overgrowth of ‘bugs’. Hair tests are a good way to see what’s going on. They are more expensive than blood tests but way more informative. The blood will always do it’s best to stay ‘perfect’, it’s what happening in your tissues and cells that’s important.

Get the metals out and so many other issues resolve.

Best Health – John