Tag Archives: treat hypo-thyroid

Normal Thyroid Results probably aren’t normal

After years of getting thyroid tests done which are always within the ‘healthy’ limits, I never questioned whether my thyroid was ever playing  a role in chronic illness.

My last test showed 3.5 TSH. Well within the upper limit of 4.5.

Except these lab ranges are obsolete and TSH should be around 1.2 but not higher than 1.5.

So it only took 15 years to work out I’m hypo-thyroid. Chronic Toxicity can disrupt the hormonal system and not enough thyroid hormone is getting to the thyroid. So we have to temporarily hack this in an effort to get stronger so the toxins can come out.

This done by taking a slow release NDT or Natural Dessicated Thyroid pill to give the thyroid what it needs. Brand names include Nature Throid and Armour but much more info is available at www.stopthethyroidmadness.com. Or search for ‘stop the thyroid madness’

Blood tests have to be done very few months to ensure that TSH level stays balanced around 1.2. The thyroid meds can be weaned of when detox is being completed. When the metals have gone, the thyroid should work fine just by itself.

This is just another example of mainstream medicine being wrong again. Imagine how many people come away with normal results but they feel like something is wrong. It really is madness.

However, I have not proved this myself but I am currently on Thiroyd with an i. I had to get it from overseas because my doctor won’t give me Nature Throid because my results are normal. This is typical and and frustrating but I don’t get too pissed off anymore as there are always solutions. So many people are in the same boat.

Dosing is very important. I started with very small amounts. My dosing is an 1/8 of a grain (approx 5mg) per day for 5 days, then increase to 1/4 grain etc. One grain is 60mgs.

I have to dissolve it in water and sip it throughout the day because it’s not slow release. Too much at once is too much for sensitive patients.

If I struggle with this then I will look at adding some adrenal cortex to get my cortisol levels down. It can be a juggling act but it’s common to balance the adrenals with cortex before moving on to the thyroid. But these glands are so important that this area of treatment must be done correctly.

This is part of the foundation work that has to be done before proper detoxing of the metals can occur. In some cases the toxins will come out naturally when we balance these glands and get the body working properly. The eventual ‘forced’ detox should be much easier.

For my thyroid test I just walked into a lab and got it done. I didn’t need to see my doctor. It was part of a Thyroid Panel test. TSH, FreeT4 and FreeT3.

There’s heaps more great info at the thyroid madness website. It might be worth getting a test done before jumping to any conclusions.