Feb 2017 Update

The good news is that I’m still making good gains. The work on improving my gut is mostly done and the main ingredient was a type of anti-histamine alongside other herbal products. I would never imagine an anti-histamine helping but what this does in short, is reset the gut. This achieved what nothing else could. Not even weeks on raw diet and many other types of treatment over the years (like 10 years!). I was that weak and ill that I needed something powerful. Gut healing can also be done with an intense program involving probiotics, diet and other supplements but I was at a point where I really didn’t care what I took; as long as it worked.

There’s more to this story than just taking it and feeling better but I will leave that for another post or my eventual book.

Once the gut is working better then this turns everything around. Food and sleep start doing what they are supposed to be do and healing can finally begin.

Phase two is getting on top of chronic infections and taking  a load off of your immune system. These infections can also house heavy metals (heavy metals and unfriendly microbes go hand in hand) and other toxins so when they are killed these toxins can re-circulate in our bloodstream and make us feel shitty. Biofilms can be involved here. The strengthened gut, plus a clay and charcoal mix, improved liver function is there to process and ‘mop up’ these toxins. So without even taking chelating agents, these toxins will leave the body. If they don’t get excreted they will redistribute and cause even more trouble. I wish I could prove this by doing testing every few weeks but it’s just not feasible. I’m happy with just feeling better as time goes on; that’s what we all want.

So I’ve introduced some anti-microbial herbs like clove, wormwood, oregano, coconut oil, and others to start to decrease my immune load. I’ve started slowly as you do, and side effects are noticeable but aren’t too bad. This is something that cannot be rushed and will take a few months to get on top of them. I should be feeling improved after these bad bugs are deceased / dormant and then true chelation can start with the likes of EDTA, Cilantro, Lipoic Acid etc.

These should be tolerated by that stage. Cilantro and ALA hurt me badly back in the day so I will be very careful with these. Remember toxins are very easy to mobilize but more difficult to excrete.

Diet has been very important for me. I eat nothing that feeds these little critters – that means sugar, bread, pasta, sugary drinks. There is no point feeding them up and trying to kill them at the same time. So it’s back to the ketogenic / paleo foods which i happen to enjoy anyway. I have the odd ‘cheat meal’ or ‘cheat day’ but get back on the keto/paleo wagon without out too much trouble.

I hope this post has been informative and I will post again when I have more info


2 thoughts on “Feb 2017 Update

    1. John H Post author

      Hi Caroline, Ketotifen didn’t work for me but I’m aware it has worked for others wanting to heal gut issues. My Whole Blood Histamine is naturally lowish so taking an anti-histamine lowers that even more therefore making me feel much worse. Histamine is a neurotransmitter. I chose to use diet, probiotics, stress avoidance and some other supplements recommended to me by Connie Fox/Dr Dietrich Klinghardt. Having relatively low histamine means I produce more than enough methyl so I don’t go overboard with meat eggs fish. I feel best on a mainly greens diet unfortunately. This is also high alkaline which helps as toxicity cases are usually more acid than alkaline. The main thing is skipping the carbs, sugar and booze which feeds the bugs associated with toxicity. All the best


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