
John HHi, I’m John and this website is about how I am recovering after many years of trying to fix a ‘difficult to diagnose, difficult to treat ‘low energy / mineral imbalances / possible toxicity’ type disorders commonly labeled as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Post Viral Fatigue CFS, M.E, Fibromyalgia, Psychosomatic etc . After a roller-coaster 15 years that involved too much unnecessary suffering, I’m finally starting to improve and want to share what is working for me. Its very easy to get confused with different people advising different solutions.

I am constantly learning and improving my own recovery program. My Blog page has the latest updates.

It has become clear that the cause is a combination of heavy metals such as mercury/lead/cadmium etc, and one or more virus issues / unhelpful bacteria / chronic infections. And they co-dependent on each other. Solutions are not straight-forward for most cases.

If you have experienced the indignity and futility of mainstream medicine trying to fix something 99% of them do not understand or know about, then I’m sure what I’ve learned and dealt with can help anyone else in a similar situation.

After visiting over 80 health professionals and frustratingly going around in circles, I’ve come across some effective healing strategies.

These were my symptoms a few years go. I’ve since improved and I continue to.

  • Brain Fog,
  • Blood Sugar Issues
  • Parasites and food cravings
  • Systemic candida
  • Digestives problems
  • Adrenal Exhaustion
  • Extreme tiredness and lethargy
  • Bouts of Anxiety and Depression for no obvious reason
  • Poor stress tolerance
  • Muscle pain and weakness,
  • Eventual Intolerance to Carbohydrates
  • Temperature regulation issues
  • Chronic Sinus and Tinnitus
  • Copper Toxicity
  • Elevated Mercury and Lead Levels
  • No real energy – I relied on willpower and adrenaline.
  • Weight changes.
  • Poor Balance
  • Eyesight issues. Sensitive to bright lights, slow to focus
  • Weak nervous system – no resilience to stress
  • Memory issues – like being unable to find correct words and forget words you shouldn’t.
  • Emotionally ‘not yourself’ and overly sensitive
  • Easily agitated / Irritability
  • Unrefreshing sleep
  • Severe Nutrient Imbalances
  • Feeling of being spaced out, in a weird world of my own
  • Inability to calm down – living in flight-or-fight mode

I could go on – yes, I was in bad shape. I want to develop a basic protocol and guidelines specifically for these hard to treat illnesses. There are too few practitioners that really know what to do.

Perhaps you’ve been diagnosed with illnesses that you know just don’t seem correct. Yes, symptoms may overlap and you may have all the symptoms of a particular illness but what was the cause of it? That’s what a lot the health ‘pros’ can’t tell you. They want to help but do not have the knowledge and experience. They don’t specialize in finding out and treating the causes but tend to only treat symptoms. Even if test results come back with a diagnosis, it’s treating it that is the problem. A lot of it is experimentation which can make you worse.

Below I’ve listed some of the treatments I tried. Usually I got zero improvement and sometimes things backfired and I felt even worse.

  • Anti everything – anti-biotics, Viral, Parasite, Anxiety, Depressants. A merry go round of pills.
  • B12 shots, Vitamins and Minerals supplements. Tens of thousands of dollars on these
  • Various off-the-shelf Heavy Metal Detox products. Mercury, Lead, Arsenic and Copper were elevated on my tests.
  • Removal of  amalgam fillings.
  • Acupuncture and other Chinese Medicine treatments
  • Rife Machine.
  • Mickel Therapy.
  • Meditation. Various techniques.
  • Blessed Herbs Colon detox/cleanse. Quite an experience but no lasting benefits.
  • Colonics
  • DHEA therapy.
  • The Lightning Process. 3 day course with Ian Cleary.
  • DNRS – only partially to be fair
  • Autonomic Response Testing. Dr Jacques Imbeau.
  • Saunas. Standard and Far-Infrared.
  • Hair and urine tests. Various companies and their associated treatment plans.
  • Nutritional Balancing – Dr Wilson
  • Psychiatrists and Psychologists. Had no clear solutions and usually made things worse.
  • Diets galore – Alkaline, No/low carb, Fasting, Juicing. Paleo.
  • Exercise regimes.
  • Neurotransmitter treatment. e.g. Neuroreplete.
  • Mahakari – spiritual
  • Earthing -Going Barefoot, grounded bed sheet.
  • Alpha-Stim neurotransmitter balancing.
  • Gupta Technique – similar to Lightning Process but more comprehensive
  • Chelation Therapy – DMPS, DMSA, EDTA, NDF
  • Chelation -OSR / NBMI / Emeramide
  • and more..

I’m not saying that these products and treatments do not work, the trick is what order do you do them in. A lot of people will not tolerate some of these powerful products unless they have some degree of health and resilience.

Below: Back in April 2008 – still no better after all these supplements. For chronic illnesses, taking supplements without proper testing will most likely will not get the job done. If you don’t know exactly what supplements you need, don’t waste your money because you could be making things worse. Sometimes it’s a case of ‘the harder you try, the worse you get’.


Not only does anyone suffering these long term health issues have to put up with the everyday symptoms but it’s the more damaging effects on life that really start to make things hard. Life gets smaller and smaller. The harder I tried, the worse I got. It was like being stuck in quicksand up to my neck and if I made an effort to get out I just sunk further down. I was going down a spiral and was in such bad shape I was sure I was slowly dying. There were 2 or 3 years where I just existed; just hoping things would turn around for the better. People would say I looked well and it would nearly floor me, it just seemed so incomprehensible that I could feel so bad and still ‘look’ well. If you don’t what you’re doing, then you can get way worse. It’s so easy to keep stirring up these toxins and redistributing them to places in your body where they will cause even more issues.

I didn’t know what to do and nobody else seemed to either. It was an incredibly lonely time, in my own little world and pretending to be better shape than I actually was so no-one worried too much. This meant that people would question me more and be suspicious about what was wrong with me but overall it worked out better for everyone. Some people got angry, they wanted answers but I had none. All I could do was keep trying and searching because no one else could help.

It was a long lonely journey that tested me way beyond what I thought my limits were. Teetering on the edge for sometimes years at a time wasn’t a nice place to be. I thought if I ever got out of this then I would pass what I learned on to others. I know the level of suffering people are going through.

I kept dragging myself off to doctors and health gurus realizing they probably couldn’t help. I kept searching the Internet for solutions and eventually found people and treatments that did help. I started to join the dots

The constant stress takes it toll. The adrenaline eventually causes physical, mental and emotional fatigue. All these symptoms and effects start getting the attention, instead of what caused it all. The reality is that not many people will deal with what caused it all or have no idea how to. Every case seems to have different causative factors.  This epidemic of stress, too much fake light and stimulus, chronic toxicity issues and severe nutrient imbalances is only getting worse. People become dysfunctional at a cellular level and it’s not something a good nights rest, medication or a holiday can usually fix.

My issues were and still are to some degree – chronic acidosis, stubborn infections/virus, and toxicity. Perhaps some lead or mercury was the primary cause, or perhaps it was a combination of factors. I would guess toxicity and unhealthy lifestyle. Modern medicine does not agree with me but also cannot provide any solutions for me. Going straight for the toxins did not work for me, I could not tolerate the detox products. I’ve had to rebuild my systems  – gut, thyroid, liver so I can tolerate the stuff that actually remove these toxins.  The rebuild process in itself does remove some of the toxicity. It’s a tricky process, straight forward but not easy at times.

And it takes time, this isn’t the 7-day miracle detox you can buy at the chemist. Those are the products that usually make people way worse. It’s a lifestyle that I no choice about. Health had to become the priority and for years I kept putting things ahead of it.

My latest updates on my protocol are on the BLOG page. An eventual program in e-book form is the goal.

There are solutions.

Contact me if you have any questions

Towards better health, John

July 2020